The Harley Works
Launa's Visit - Harley's Shamless Begging
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<Part 1>  <Part 2>  <Part 3>  <Part 4>  <Part 5>  <Part 6>

Harley:  Hi Tana. Launa has something to ask you.

Harley: Go ahead Launa ask her.
Launa: OK, OK.

Launa: Hi. I'm doing very well.  I'm glad you let me come to visit, even if it was for business.  Papoose did my makeup and I love it.  
Papoose: Hi. Thanks for sending Launa.  She was fun to work with.  I hope you like the new her.
Launa (continuing): Harley showed me the new place.  The lounge,  heehee, that's where we are now. We all have our shoes off.  Just a little R&R right now.  They are going to redo the whole place.  I saw the office, her bedroom and dressing room.  But, I haven't seen the boutique or the sal....
Harley:  Never mind Launa.  You're taking too long.

Harley: I would like Launa to stay a little longer.

Harley: Well really, I love her outfit she's wearing.  It is so cute.  Can I have it?  I promised her I would make her something to wear home if you said I could.  But only if you say yes.  I mean it's so cute and it's my favorite colors (black and purple).  Please will ya?  Please?

(Harley whispering):  What's Launa's favorite color?

Launa: As you can see Harley has no shame.  She won't take no for an answer.
Harley (whispering): What she say?

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